September 2021 - Suicide Prevention Month

Did you know September is suicide prevention month? This past September (2021) Breanna’s Legacy of Hope Fund announced its initiative to raise funds for the Centre for Suicide Prevention. This centre is a branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association and is based in Calgary, Alberta. The main focus of this organization is to equip Canadians with the information, knowledge, and skills necessary to respond to people at risk of suicide. This organization is raising awareness about suicide and suicide prevention and promotes the message that “Education is Prevention”.

Over the month of September we were able to raise $6000 to donate directly to this organization.

Thank you to all those who helped us raise money and spread our message.

Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver
— Barbara de Angelis

November 2021 - Random Acts of Kindness


Rock Drop July 2021