September 2022 - Yoga and Silent Auction

September 18 was a day of connecting with others through movement, conversation and laughter in support of Breanna MacLeod’s Legacy of Hope Fund and the Centre for Suicide Prevention. A yoga flow class was led by Sarah and a silent auction followed. Because of this event and donations throughout the month of September we were able to present a cheque of $6500 to the Centre for Suicide Prevention! We continue to be blown away by the generosity and support of others.

Thank you to all for continuing to keep Breanna’s light shining through her legacy. Thank you to CRAFT for donating their rooftop patio for the yoga class, to those who made donations of goods for the silent auction, to those who donated to Breanna’s Legacy of Hope, to those who participated in the yoga class, and to our family, friends, and co-workers who have been a source of emotional support now and always.


November 2022 - Random Acts of Kindness


July 2022 Rock Drop