Encouraging strength for today, and hope for tomorrow.

Breanna MacLeod’s Legacy of Hope Fund aims to provide funding to charities and organizations committed to supporting mental health and suicide prevention initiatives for women and youth in Canada.


A beautiful soul who never missed an opportunity to share her heart and make life more meaningful for others.

Breanna Rae MacLeod was a born and raised Calgarian who spent her life caring deeply for others.

When you first met Breanna, her authenticity could catch you off guard. She had the uncanny ability to express true intrigue and conversations with her came easily. She would hang on every word and remember the important details of your life, later capturing them in a special picture, card or handmade craft.

She would often bake chocolate chip muffins for friends, family, and coworkers, just because! She was also known for giving out small goody bags at work filled with thoughtful items such as tea, chocolates, and hand written cards. For special occasions, she would make chocolate bar posters, scrapbook photo frames, choreograph dances, and even write songs!

Breanna leaves behind a legacy of kindness that her family hopes to maintain through the Legacy of Hope Fund. We believe in the phrase “strength for today, and hope tomorrow”. It would be our desire, through commitment to supporting mental health initiatives, that we can bring hope to the lives of those impacted and struggling with mental illness.

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About the fund

On July 21st 2020 our lives were forever changed. As numerous friends, family, and coworkers reached out to offer condolences and words of comfort, one theme was at the core of each conversation - Breanna’s kindness and love towards others.

In November 2020, to celebrate what would have been Breanna’s 34th birthday - our family organized a random acts of kindness week. Friends and family across Canada participated by doing simple acts of kindness for others in Breanna’s name.

Shortly after, our family decided to start exploring the process of opening a fund to maintain Breanna’s legacy. In July 2021, we partnered with Calgary Foundation and Breanna MacLeod’s Legacy of Hope Fund was established.

As of March 2024, the fund has donated over $20,000 to organizations within Calgary that support mental health and suicide prevention initiatives.


“If you carry one thing throughout your entire life, let it be hope.”

- Nikki Banas